New Home Decisions
Erci and I have the rare opportunity to build a completely custom home in
Haymarket, Virginia. We are using Kevin and Kathy Goode of
Spectrum Homes
as our builder, and John Heltzel and Kent Williams of Heltzel Architecture
of Manassas as the architects.
PDF Versions of floor plans and elevations (all 90 degrees on axis, you can flip these upright in Acrobat Reader version 4 or newer on PC/Mac):
Eventually I want to do something like Fine Homebuilding Magazine ( does with it's web space by having more interactive plans at this website. Theirs can be seen at
Erci has a few pictures of the ongoing construction on her website:
- Telephone Service: Verizon (formerly GTE) 1-800-483-4400 (can they provide DSL? No Metro Lines available - 15th November - 8-5 daytime) $40 installation charge
Verizon has been misleading, uninterested in customer service, willing to do a miserable installation job, and unwilling to waive charges for a shoddy installation. Find another service.
- Alternate Telephone Service: Cavalier Telephone 703-778-4000 / 1-800-950-7858 may be a better deal...
free Internet Caller ID
DSL packages
Free Installation
Free 3-way calling and speed dial
Keep your present number
CallerID/VoiceMail available for a little more, but sadly no anonymous call blocking (the one really nice feature Verizon offers).
- More alternates:,,
- Cable Service: Comcast 703-368-4227 (they only provide Digital Cable to my Zipcode - I want Internet Access! - construction number - 703-878-1573)
- Wireless Broadband: MAE Dulles 866-623-3855
- Electrical Power: NOVEC 703-335-0500
Work Order for installation: 77331, Shane Killian was the site rep
Service is set up wrong (400 am service instead of 600 amp service) - need to work with Derrick Crow 703-754-6727
Called just before September 6th, and again September 30th
- Liquid Propane Suppliers (delivered via truck):
- Dish Network 1-800-333-3474
Call Dish Network when we move (Oct 22nd?) to get a free dish-mover replacement dish (leave old dish at current house, bring my own gear). We must commit to credit card autopay for 12 months of Top 150 programming, we we can pay $75 for the service.
Authors: Scott Nolan
and Erci Nolan
(How to send us email)
Last updated: September 30th, 2002