We are currently focusing on the shell of the house and the major structural and mechanical so we can break ground and begin construction (eta: October 2000):
Stone Wall in Ballroom will be the same European Castle Stone (Bucks County) as on the outside of the "keep" of the house.
Master Bedroom Chimney (exterior only) in Weather Edge Ledgestone (Fox Valley), Cobblefield (Old Country or Ohio or Gray), or RiverRock (Lake Shore) also.
Stone (Keep) Facade (both interior and exterior):
Painted or Colored to match the Norco Window Sandstone color
Kitchen, Family Room, Master Bedroom, and Basement Doors are all in the Norco quote already.
Our Norco, representative is Randy Loren.
Radiant Barrier Insulation:
Environmentally Safe Products, Inc. of New Oxford, Pennsylvania, also uses recycled plastic in the foam core.
Mike Fischer says to check into a spray that lines the bottom of the roof (n ot attic insulation) that reflects heat in addition to the normal rolled attic insulation...
Reflectix Radiant Barrier
Climate Control:
Berko, CHC Series Radiant Cove and Aztec Cieling Panel
Glassheat (Japanese Radiant Heaters - legendary)
Qmark Heaters, RCC Cove, CP Ceiling Panel
Radiant Systems Inc Manufacturer of Comfort Cove Radiant Cove heaters
Solid State Heating makers of Enerjoy and Enerjoy People Heaters - nice underdesk unit, nice Bathroom Comfort Center, they also have Ceramic Radiant Coves, Portables, Panels, and Baseboards.
Electric Fixture and Supply supplier of Comfort Cove
Infrared Heaters QMark (Cove, Ceiling, Panel) and Infrared Heating Panels (nice!)
Radiant Electric supplier of Enerjoy and Ceramic Heaters
Runtal Radiators Electric Towel Panel, Hydronic Baseboards and Panels
Main Basement? Product: FV4ANF 003000ABAA Model: FV4ANF 003 Serial: 0401A63361 Volts: 208/230 Motor: 1/2 HP Motor: 4.3 FLA 1 Phase at 60 Hertz Basement, back/back Product: FV4ANB 006000ABAA Model: FV4ANB 006 Serial: 2601A62968 Volts: 208/230 Motor: 3/4 HP Motor: 6.8 FLA 1 Phase at 60 Hertz Basement, back/front Product: FV4ANB 006000ABAA Model: FV4ANB 006 Serial: 2601A62956 Volts: 208/230 Motor: 3/4 HP Motor: 6.8 FLA 1 Phase at 60 Hertz Garage: Product: FV4ANF 002000ABAA Model: FV4ANF 002 Serial: 2101A70405 Volts: 208/230 Motor: 1/2 HP Motor: 4.3 FLA 1 Phase at 60 Hertz Upstairs: Product: FV4ANF 003000ABAA Model: FV4ANF 003 Serial: 0401A63361 Volts: 208/230 Motor: 1/2 HP Motor: 4.3 FLA 1 Phase at 60 Hertz
Aprilaire Filters
Whole house humidifier:
Ductless Air Condintioning (possibly of use in the wood shop to save money over regular air conditioning):
Janitrol / Goodman
AirPro (Quiet)
Union Energy, Ductless
Friedrich Air Conditioning Co
Mistubishi Electric (Quiet)
Mistubishi Electric (Quiet)
Gorman Industries Guide
American Standard
Enviromaster International, manufactured in Rome, NY!
This may be the only option for the woodshop since it is a separate building... it may also (depending on how noisy the units are) be useful for multi-zoning the house.
Radiant Cove & Wallpanel Heat, the way to go!!!
Radiant Floor Heating, Desgin and information
Applied Radiant
Rinnai America, the American division of the Japanese company that started tankless hot water heating!
Takagi USA, Alternate to the Rinnai for Tankless Hot Water Heating
Water Furnace International
Controlled Energy Corp, Aquastar, T-K1, Powerstream, and Ariston tankless hot water heaters
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network, Demand/Tankless Hot Water Heaters
SEISCO , Demand/Tankless Hot Water Heaters
Waterfilm Energy, Inc, Drainwater Heat Recovery System (recovers heat in drain water to preheat water for demand/tankless water heaters) - interesting, useful where drains will usually be hot (showers, kitchen sink, tubs).
Michael Holigan how to select a tankless hot water heater
Timber Frame
Driveway Pavement:
Aspalt (seal every few years after first 5 yrs) Concrete (20 year life) 3x cost of Asphalt Aspalt with StreetPrint (Lallande) $3-$4 / sq ft more than Asphalt Embossed Concrete with Color/stains 2x cost of Concrete NAPA www.hotmix.org (asphalt) ACII www.aci-int.org (concrete) www.cd-library.com permacrete.com hiddensafes.com oldworldstoneworks.com concretehomes/sys-drive.htm 800-713-8880 access code 9000 (International Business) Stevenson LoRusso is in
Outwater Architectural Products, moldings, curves, arches, etc
Trex or PlasTEAK wood for decking
Exterior Lighting
Town&Country Pools have nice looing stuff.
Anthony&Sylvan pools are pretty, esp
ecially the interesting are black bottomed sierra with stone decking
Other pool companies in the area:
Hohne Pools
Huston Pools
Authors: Scott Nolan (