Flash! Seagate has released their Cheetah 36ES (36GB, Ultra160/SCSI, 10,000rpm) that measured in at only 44.6dB/A@18mm (ST336706LW about $420) according to StorageReview.com... woo hoo also available is their Seagate Barracuda 36ES (36GB Ultra160/SCSI 7200rpm) that did 46.7 dB/A@18mm (XXX? about $?). .
Another super quiet ATA drive is the Samsung SpinPoint V30 (5400rpm ATA100, 45.0dB/A@18mm). This is also the coolest of the drives reviewed by Storage Review at the end of 2001.
The 3rd great performing drive (cool and quiet) is the Maxtor DiamondMax 536DX (100GB ATA-100) at 41.5dB/A@18mm and very cool.
Another super performing ATA drive is the WD Caviar 100BB SE. (35 dBA/38 dBA)
Fujitsu is legendary for making silent drives: MAN3367 (36.7GB Ultra160, 10,000rpm!) very quiet (3.6 Bels idle, 3.9 Bels seeking), very cool. MAM3367 (36GB Utlra160, 15,000rpm!) noisier than the Cheetah X15! (3.9 Bels idle, unknown whilst seeking) warm to the touch.
IBM's Ultrastar 36Z15 (15,000rpm; 36GB, very very HOT) is an amazing performer, but it puts out a little too much noise at 4.0/3.8 Bel idle and 4.8/4.7 Bel operating - not bad for 15,000rpms though!
Maxtor/Quantum Atlas 10k III (10,000rpms; 36 and 73GB; Ultra160 SCSI) has very quiet idles, but noisy seeks.
Seagate Cheetah X15 (15,000rpm; 1st gen 15k drive; Ultra160 SCSI)
Seagate Cheetah 36ES (10,000rpm; SCSI, quieter that the Atlas III)
Fujitsu and Seagate have new drives coming...
Check out the GreenServ 1150 (ultra low power/heat/noise Linux server using a VIA C3 processor in one U of rack space)
Author: Scott Nolan,