Scott's Aquariums

        I inherited an interest in aquariums from my father who dabbled with marine aquariums and with freshwater tropicals the whole time I was growing up. When I was stationed in Hawaii (1985-1986) I actively continued my interest by packing a marine 30 gallon, a freshwater 20 gallon and two frequently used 10 gallon hospital tanks into my military dorm room, along with my roommate. I loved my Potter's Angel, Domino Damsels, fast moving Starfish, Moorish Idol, beautiful marble veil angelfish and red finned shark. When I moved to Japan I planned to go back to Hawaii and pick up my fish, but a calamity occured before I could get them. I kept some of the old gear, but did not get back into the hobby for many years. Other interests caught my attention.

        For Christmas, 2001, my wife bought me a Marineland Eclipse System 12 and some accessories, correctly sensing that I might be interested in getting a nano-reef going. So here is what I have now:

Marineland Eclipse System 12, Biowheel removed
VisiTherm 75w submersible heater

Rio 90 Powerhead
CoralSeaLife 32w Smartlight (50/50)
20 pounds of Fiji Live Rock
a few pounds of Live Sand on 10 pounds of CaribSea Aragonite
2 scarlet leg hermit crabs
2 burgundy hermit crabs
6 blue legged hermit crabs
10 margarita snails
a Cherubfish named Sundance
a pair of ture percula clowns named Fric and Frac
hitchhikers on the live rock include

December 29th, 2001: January 12th, 2002: February 3rd, 2002: February 10th, 2002: February 17th, 2002: April 7th, 2002: April 21st, 2002:

Author: Scott Nolan, Email address: snolan at (How to send me email)
Last updated: April 22nd, 2002