Random web surfing last night led me to the
Studio Ghibli website, and it looks to me like they may be working on an
Anime version of
Ursula K. LeGuin's wonderful Earthsea Trilogy, or parts of it (my Japanese is rusty). The author has nothing about Ghibli on her website as of this writing, but this could be really, really cool. The Sci-Fi channel's miniseries on Earthsea was
horrible, but Miyazaki's crew at Ghibli might be able to do this story some justice.

The flash based background on their website certainly looks promising! At first I asked myself why they'd use Flash for a simple background, but resizing the browser window makes the reason obvious, very cool.
Does anyone know more about a potential
Anime version of Earthsea? I can read that something is happening in July of 2006, but not a lot more.
Twitchfilm.net has a discussion about the Ghibli project, it is apparently Hayao Miyazaki's son Goro who is pushing the project, and it is probably going to be interesting, but may get mangled too. Reading a bit deeper on Ursula LeGuin's website, it appears she may no longer have control over the film rights to Earthsea, which would be very sad.
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 3:11:00 PM