U.S. Constitition out the Window:I really don't feel that the recent decision by Federal Court to uphold the president's right to hold U.S. Citizens without charges indefinitely has shocked enough people. This case amounts to throwing the Bill of Rights (amended into the U.S. Constitution) out the window or down the drain. If our government can hold us in jail indefinitely, denying us council because they have not charged us, and delaying pressing any charge because the president has arbitrarily declared us an "enemy combatant" then how can any of us answer those charges in a court of law? This prevents the truth from being heard, and it wraps things up too nicely for an easy coup and dictatorship, right here in the United States. Please read more about this
This abbrogation of our rights must be stopped. Jose Padilla probably deserves to be locked away, but only after a fair trial with legal representation and a jury of his (and our) peers. If his appeal is not heard by the U.S. Subreme Court, it is time to start brown-nosing the dictator, folks... because your freedom is only at the whim of
el presidente!
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 8:10:00 AM