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Once again we are confronted with a pack of lies by own own nation's president. When George W. Bush says, about Social Security:
    "The system is headed for bankruptcy."

That is a deliberately misleading lie. The Social Security system is not headed for bankruptcy. It is headed for a time when it will begin reclaiming some of the money that it has invested in the U.S. Government's general fund. What our misleading theif of a president is not telling us is that the U.S. Government, as he is leading it, is headed for bankruptcy. His budget of larger and larger deficits will prevent the general fund from repaying the social security fund as it should. If the U.S. Government defaults on the money it owes Social Security, what about all those the money that ordinary people are owed in the form of U.S. Savings Bonds? Will our government default on those loans too? Or will it simple raise taxes in 2020 to pay for debts incurred in 2005, essentially transferring the bill from this lazy generation's habits onto our children? That is both morally and financially bankrupt. It is today's generation stealing money from our children and their children. In the simple, black and white language our theif prefers, it is wrong.

Today the United States has become a corrupt, fascist, oligarchy. Democratic elections are a scam, the nation is run by corrupt politicians who are wholly owned by legalized robbers who steal from the defenseless masses to line their own pockets.

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