As of 7:12am Eastern, only 112,596,922 votes are counted...
That seems a little low to me. It would indicate an increase of 10% over the 2000 election, but that is less of an increase than I expected with the massive voter turnout and registration efforts.
Additionally, I find it hard to believe that just over 50 million Americans voted for Bush in 2000; and much harder to believe that all the same people did again, plus TWO THIRDS of new voters!
This makes absolutely no sense at all. I smell a rat.
Best to concede the election, let the GOP take the blame for all the problems of this decade, but count and recount every state. I am sure we will find shenanegans. It is time to fix the election process, for real.
How is it that the electronic precincts are still having trouble reporting?
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 7:19:36 AM