What the heck is wrong with our president? How can he believe the world is a safer place today than it was before the invasion of Iraq? More people hate the United States than ever before. I feel far less safe because of the madman in the oval office.
How can he site Afghanistan as a success? Sure the Taliban are out of Kabul, and that is a good thing, but there are still plenty of them throughout Afghanistan, and the American forces sure didn't catch Osama bin Laden nor many Al Caida operatives... that makes the military operations in Afghanistan a FAILURE, not a success.
Where the heck is the opposition leadership? How about bringing the conversation around to human values, that is the value on human life. Obviously the Republican party places no value on human life, they are willing to sacrifice Iraqis and U.S. Soldiers to make a few constituents very wealthy... so clearly, money is more valuable to Republicans than human life is. How about the value of a solid relationship between two loving people, regardless of their sex? How does it harm my wife or I and our relationship if Jim and Dan love each other? It does not, of course. There are those who want to stir up fear, to use fear as a tool to manipulate people's votes. That is wrong. Roosevelt said: "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." - that is still true today.
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 3:09:03 PM