I resent that Bill Maher suggests that religious people support George Bush and scientific people don't. I am religious, and my religion says that people who cause death for personal gain are evil. Since the war in Iraq was so clearly fought so that the American taxpayers could be fleeced by George Bush's constituents, and people were killed in that war; George W. Bush is evil. That is a religious statement, and because George Bush is evil (as defined by my religion) I cannot support him.
On the other hand, I love Bill Maher because he suggests that people who do not participate in their own democracy are boring. BRAVO!
I also like Bill's show because he has the most inciteful stuff running during the credits, for example bit of footage where Barack Obama is talking to an entertainer who has never voted before:
"I don't care wether you are a big music star or you work in Micky-D's, Uncle Sam is taking some of your check. He's either putting it in schools, or he's putting it in prisons. He's either putting it in roads and bridges and hospitals here, or he's putting it in Iraq after they've been destroyed."
"If you don't like what you see going on around you, if it offends something (he indicates his heart) - your sensibility; for you to not do something about it is to admit defeat. I don't like being pumped like that."
I can't say it much better than that!
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 8:16:01 AM