Computer Security:
I just read about the "
Witty Worm" on
SlashDot and need to revise my advice for those poor souls with the misfortune of running Microsoft's Windows operating system. Previously I recommended that anyone running Windows should use a firewall; today I must revise that and suggest that you use an external hardware-device firewall. The "Witty Worm" specifically exploits a security flaw in the ISS BlackIce software firewall on computers running the Windows operating system.
Previously software firewalls like BlackIce and ZoneAlarm were considered to be pretty good protection. I still recommend running
ZoneAlarm because of it's excellent
Program Manager (which monitors
outbound connections from your PC), but I now recommend running a
separate device firewall as well. There are several available from $29 to $100, and most of them also serve as hubs, routers, and sometimes even wireless LAN ports. I am using a Belkin myself - but there are several brands and so far as I know they all work well. If you are running BlackIce on your Windows box and have an always-on connection to the internet, you must change something quickly before your hard drive becomes corrupted by this very damaging worm.
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 12:31:27 PM