Tomorrow is Virginia's first Presidential Primary election in quite a while. I am not sure how skewed the results will be because Virginia is a very Republican state, and because the Democratic Primary is open to all registered voters, but it is an oppotunity to send a message to the system. I fully expect John Edwards to win in Virginia by a narrow margin over John Kerry, but I think I am going to take this moment to vote even more left of center in hopes that someone listens. I am sure that only Kerry, Edwards, and Clark can beat Bush in November, but I want all three to adopt more of Sharpton, Kucinich, and Dean's stands. To take the needs of the people of this country to heart before they go up against the corporate regime. I do not think I will seriously shift the results of the VA Primary, but I hope enough people plug for the more liberal choices that the Democratic party realizes that the time for "centrist" concessions (which usually mean corporate friendly policies like Clinton/Gore had) is over. A "Democrat" needs to represent the people.
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 6:29:42 PM