Spam and Telemarketing:
A federal judge has ruled that the FTC overstepped it's authority by creating a national "do-not-call" list. The chief arguments of the lawyers arguing the case on behalf of the marketing associations are insanely ludicrous. This has absolutely nothing to do with the first amendment, and everything to do with control over the phone line that you and I lease from the phone company. Simply put, if you pay the bill on a leased phone number, no one should be allowed to call that number without your permission, period. Not telemarketing weenies, not politicians, not charitable organizations, not religious organizations, not public television stations, not even the local paper. No one, unless you - the paying subscriber agrees. First amendment my ass. This is insane. All Americans should simply disconnect their telephones in response. Then who will the idiots sell their junk to?
Likewise, the person who pays the monthly charges to maintain an internet presence and who is therefore paying for an email address should have exclusive rights over who can send that email address a message. If an address is provided for by an employer, then the employer should have control. If the address is provided for by an individual, no one should bug that person without their permission. Why is all this so difficult to understand?
People, please boycott the companies that call you and send you unsolicited commercial email. Please vote against the politicians that flood your mail boxes with their campaign fliers. Make them pay for the mistake of abusing
YOUR paid for access.
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 10:08:13 PM