Falconry and Hawking:I just found out that my cousin Kyle has trapped a Red Tailed Hawk he is calling
Red October and he hopes to hunt with her this Autumn. I am somewhat envious of Kyle, in a good way. I have been fascinated by falcons, owls, and hawks as far back as I can remember. That fascination was honed when I first read Phillip Glasier's beautiful book "As the Falcon her Bells" (which covers forty years of the author's experiences with raptors of all kinds). I never got involved in hawking myself, and I am fascinated that Kyle (many years younger than I) is doing what he wants to do. Go for it Kyle! I am very much looking forward to seeing Red October fly this Thanksgiving when Erci and I head out to Arizona to visit family.
Speaking of Red Tailed Hawks, one visited my workplace on September 26th and I was fortunate enough to have a camera in my office. There are several pictures of our visitor
here, and to the right is the best of them for your enjoyment.
# posted by Scott Nolan @ 10:21:00 PM