Description of Arthur Murray Dances
- FOX TROT - In 1913 Harry Fox, a Vaudeville Comedian, introduced a trot to a ragtime song
in the 1913 Zigfeld Follies that pushed other trots into the background. It became America's most popular dance and remains
so to this day as the standard of social dances. Often called the "get-aquainted" dance or the "first impression" dance, the Fox
trot is enjoyed by young and old.
- WALTZ - The Waltz began in 17th century southern Germany. The popularity of the Waltz grew
with the music of Johann Strauss and eventually blossomed in the 20th century as the Hesitation Waltz. It is the basis for many
dances and is popular today all over the world. The grace and elegance of the Waltz can and should be enjoyed by all.
- TANGO - The Tango began in the West Indies and found it's way to Argentina where it was
stylized by the Gauchos to it's present form. It became the romantic rage in 1921, after the silent screen star Rudolph Valentino
brought the dance to millions in "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse". Today it is considered the "Dancer's Dance" and is a
favorite of all who learn the Tango. The drama and passion of Tango have been demonstrated recently by Arnold
Schwarzenneger in "True Lies" and by Al Pacino in "Scent of a Woman".
- CHA CHA - Probably the most popular Latin dance in the US, the Cha Cha began as part of the
Mambo. It was so easy and so much fun, it became the rage of the early 1950's. It's infectious one-two one-two-three rhythm
demands that sitters become dancers. Everybody can learn the Cha Cha and should. Let the pros at Arthur Murray's teach you
Cha Cha 90's Style.
- RUMBA - The Rumba began the Cuban and Latin American dance crazes.
Danced to music inspired by African rhythms and Spanish melodies, the Americanized Rumba was the basis for the Mambo and
Cha Cha in the U.S. The flirtatious rhythms of the Rumba make it a favorite of social and Ballroom dancers alike.
- MERENGUE - Yes, it's Hot, Hot, Hot !!! The exciting rhythms of the Merengue inspire dancers all
over the world to move to the intoxicating beat. There are two schools of thought as to how this captivating dance began. One says
it started as a peasant dance in the Dominican Republic by African slaves. The dragging of one leg relieved chafing of leg irons.
Another says a returning war hero, a General Maringie, danced, dragging an injured leg. Wherever it began, the Merengue is an
exciting Latin dance that is Fun.
- SWING - The Lindy picked up where the Charleston left off. It had "Swing-outs", "Break-aways"
and "shine steps". With the birth of "Swing" music in the mid 1930's the Lindy climbed the social ladder. In August of 1935,at the
Polomar Ballroom, bandleader Benny goodman played a Fletcher Henderson arrangement of "Stompin'' at the Savoy". The rest,
as they say, is history. The dance craze swept the nation, depending on where you lived, it was the Jitterbug, the Lindy or the Swing.
Enjoy the lively rhythm of Swing at your local Arthur Murray Dance Studio.
- SAMBA - The national dance of Brazil, often called, "The South American Waltz" became the
rage of Brazilian society in the 1930's but began as an exhibition dance in Paris in 1905. Movie Star & Singer Carmen Miranda is
credited with making the dance popular in the U.S. in the early 1940's. it is extremely popular today because it is easily adaptable
to today's rhythms. (Like the "Macarena"). Everybody who lands in Rio (or wants to feel like they are in Rio) must know how to
dance the Samba.
- MAMBO - In the 1940's Americans became fascinated by Latin American rhythms. The Mambo
combined American Jazz with Afro-Cuban beat. For dancers, the Mambo was an exciting challenge. Arthur Murray Studios became
famous for turning out the best Mambo dancers of the Era. Today, the Mambo is exciting to watch and even more exciting to dance.
Be one of Arthur Murray's Mambo Dancers !
- HUSTLE - The emergence of the Hustle in the 1970's marked a return to "Touch Dancing" or
"Partner Dancing". In the early 1970's a modified Lindy-Hop or Jitterbug became popular on the crowded dance floors of New York
City. The Hustle is still very popular today and is danced in all the major night clubs to today's "Dance Music". Get "in touch" with
someone at the Arthur Murray Dance Studios.
- VIENNESE WALTZ - The elegant splendor of Waltz is epitomized in the graceful Viennese Waltz.
The gliding, turning movements suggest that the dancer is skating. The Viennese Waltz brings to mind chandeliers and lovely
ladies in their flowing gowns dancing to the lilting sounds of Strauss waltzes.
- BOLERO - If you want Romance and Sophistication, the sentimental love dance, the Bolero, is for
you. The emphasis is on smooth and graceful turns with much communication between partners. The Bolero is danced to slow
rhythmical music and is adaptable to contemporary music.
- LAMBADA - One of the newest social dances to become popular is the Wild & High Energy
Lambada. Coming to the U.S. by way of Brazil, Lambada swept across America in early 1990. Still enjoyed by avid dance fans,
You've got to see it to believe it & you've got to dance it to feel it. Try it today at your local Arthur Murray Dance Studio.
- QUICKSTEP - Lively, exciting and graceful. This competitive ballroom dance is one of the more
intricate dances that once mastered is a pleasure to dance and is also a favorite of those watching.
- POLKA - Don't attend your next social event before learning some basic Polka steps. Fast, Fun
and Exciting, this dance will get your heart pumping and be a lot of FUN.
- COUNTRY WESTERN - Arthur Murray Dance Studios will also teach you how to Two-Step,
Three-Step, Shuffle, Swing, Country Waltz or Line Dance. Just Rustle up your Dancin' Boots and head on over !
Scott Nolan,
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