Note: October 10th is the deadline to register to vote in the November 7th General Election. If you are not registered to vote, register now so you can vote in the November 7th General Election.
Ballot Initiatives:
- Ballot Question #1: Delegate Robert Marshall and Senator Stephen Newman have proposed the Marshall/Newman Amendment to the constitution of Virginia. We voters get to approve or reject the proposed amendment this November. The exact text of the amendment will be:
Shall Article I (the Bill of Rights) of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to state:
That only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this Commonwealth and its political subdivisions.
This Commonwealth and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage. Nor shall this Commonwealth or its political subdivisions create or recognize another union, partnership, or other legal status to which is assigned the rights, benefits, obligations, qualities, or effects of marriage
- Ballot Question #2: Delegate Michele McQuigg and Senator William Mims (no longer in office) have proposed the Church Incorporation Amendment, which would allow churches to incorporate in Virginia (one of very few states that does not permit such a thing):
Shall Section 14 of Article IV of the Constitution of Virginia be amended by deleting the provision that prohibits the incorporation of churches, a provision that was ruled to be unconstitutional and therefore now is obsolete?
- Ballot Question #3: Delegate Riley Ingram and Senators John Edwards and Charles Hawkins have proposed a Property Tax Law amendment to the Constitution of Virginia.
Shall Section 6 of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to authorize legislation to permit localities to provide a partial exemption from real property taxes for real estate with new structures and improvements in conservation, redevelopment, or rehabilitation areas?
Registered voters will simply be able to vote yes or no on each proposed amendment.
Offices being decided November 7th, 2006:
- United States Senator:
- George Allen (Republican), Incumbent Senator, probable 2008 candidate for US Presidency
- James Webb (Democrat), Ex-US Navy Secretary, Attorney, Author & Vietnam War Veteran
- Gail Parker (Independent Green), Businesswoman, State Party Secretary & USAF Veteran
The rest of the offices depend on your district. Your district is listed on your Voter Registration Card, or you can look it up on Project Vote Smart using your 9 digit zipcode and +4. If you don't know your zipcode +4, you can look that up using your street address at United States Postal Service (neither website requires cookies and neither requires Java/JavaScript to function, thank goodness).
- United States Congress, 1st Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 2nd Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 3rd Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 4th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 5th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 6th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 7th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 8th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 9th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 10th Congressional District:
- United States Congress, 11th Congressional District:
- Virginia House of Delegates, 50th District (this is a special election to elect a replacement for the late Harry Parrish):
- Jackson H. Miller (Republican), Manassas City Councilman, Former Police Officer, Realtor
- Jeanette M. Rishell (Democrat), Manassas Park Electoral Board, Prince William County Committee of 100
- Prince William County, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors:
- Sharon E. Pandak (Democrat), County Attorney, President of the County Bar Association
- Corey A. Stewart (Republican), International Trade Attorney, Occoquan District Supervisor
- Prince William County, Bond Issues - three questions:
- Fairfax County, Bond Issues - two questions:
- Loudon County, Bond Questions and Projects - nine questions:
- Arlington County, Bond Issues - five questions, and County and School Board Elections:
- Spotsylvania County, Bond Issue - one referendum
General Obligation School Bonds Max Amount $64346695
- Spotsylvania County, Board of Supervisors, Courtland District:
- G. P. "Pat" Hannifin (Independent)
- Jerry I. Logan (Republican)
- There may be other local races depending on your area, the State Board of Elections website has them listed at:
My personal opinions have been intentionally left off this page so that may serve as a strictly non-partisan and unbiased source of information.
Author: Scott Nolan,
(How to send me email)
Last updated: October 28th, 2006
Lovingly written in vim.